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在广泛文献检索的基础上,对铅丹的临床应用、毒性和注意事项等进行了综述,为全民养生保健提供科学参考。  相似文献   
为检验约氏乳杆菌SQ0048菌株所制备的微生态制剂对临床型奶牛阴道炎症的治疗作用,将其应用于患有阴道炎的病牛体内,利用临床兽医学方法观察给药前后患牛的临床症状,采用变性梯度凝胶电泳法检测给药前后患牛阴道内的微生物菌群种属,使用酶联免疫吸附技术检测给药前后患牛血清内细胞因子分泌量。结果显示,此微生态制剂不仅可以缓解临床奶牛阴道炎性症状,提高发情率及受胎率,还可以减少或杀灭阴道内的利氏卟啉单胞菌、铜绿假单胞菌、化脓隐秘杆菌及链球菌等,增加约氏乳杆菌SQ0048菌株及谷氨酸棒状杆菌的数量,改善阴道微生态环境,维持阴道的微生态平衡;同时给药后患牛血清中IL-1β、IL-6、IFN-α、TNF-α分泌量显著低于给药前,而IL-10分泌量则显著高于给药前,具有一定抑制炎症的生物学功能。  相似文献   
This paper reports on open-top chamber studies investigating the effects of different O3 exposures on native herbaceous plant species. Plants were grown up from seeds, potted into natural soils and exposed to near-ambient O3 levels during one growing season. A wide range of visible symptoms was apparent during the exposures. Species such as Rumex obtusifolius, Senecio vulgaris or Sonchus asper showed leaf colorations (e.g. reddish pigmentation) that probably indicate a non-specific stress response. In other species especially of the genera Malva and Cirsium the symptoms produced by O3 appeared to be similar to those characteristic for O3-specific foliar injury (stippling, flecking). In almost all species tested, O3 caused premature leaf senescence, which was sometimes associated with premature leaf abscission. However, earlier senescence did not necessarily result in changes in plant growth. Of all species tested, Malva sylvestris was found to be the most sensitive in terms of growth reduction and lower seed production.  相似文献   
Summary Based on visual inspection, discrimination between common scab (Streptomyces spp.) and powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) can be difficult. Inspections are performed on unwashed samples, incidentally supported by microscopic examination. During 1994–1996 surveys were performed in The Netherlands on tubers with symptoms resembling common scab. Under microscopic assessment nearly all samples showed the presence of structures resembling cystosori (sporeballs) ofS. subterranea. At that time confirmation using alternative techniques was not possible. In 2003 research was undertaken to clarify the situation with respect to scab on potato tubers in The Netherlands. One hundred and eighteen scab samples were extensively tested forS. subterranea. All samples were digitally photographed, microscopically examinated and tested with real-time PCR and DAS-ELISA. Use of these modern methods resulted in a clear picture of symptoms that can be attributed toS. subterranea. A lot of scab samples with structures resembling cystosori could not be confirmed as contaminated withS. subterranea.  相似文献   
Summary In field trials simulating commercial conditions, secondary PLRV infection of autumn-grown potato crops in Israel significantly reduced yield, although symptoms were not perceptible. Plots containing 7.3% PLRV-infected seed showed an increase in yield per plant of 17%, compared with plots with 36.2% infected seed; in plots with only 1.3% infected seed the increase of yield was 21%. In a second experiment, where individual plants were assayed, the yield of PLRV-infected plants of cv. Blanka was only 68.7% of that of PLRV-free plants; corresponding figures for cv. Up-to-Date and Désirée were 79.2 and 58% respectively. PLRV infection was not associated with reduced emergence or with the yield of deformed tubers.
Zusammenfassung W?hrend der ersten zwei Monate der im Herbst liegenden Wachstumszeit der Kartoffel (August-Januar) sind in Israel sehr hohe Temperaturen (mittleres Maximum 34,7° C) und hohe Sonneneinstrahlung; anschliessend fallen die Temperaturen und die Lichteinstrahlung stark ab. Unter diesen Bedingungen bleibt die Infektion mit PLRV meist symptomlos und es gibt vom Pflanzenwuchs her keine Anzeichen dafür anzunehmen, dass der Ertrag beeintr?chtigt ist. Imersten Versuch (A) wurden die Ertr?ge von Best?nden verglichen, die die gleiche Pflanzgutgr?sse (Sorte Désirée) hatten, aber von drei Herkünften I, II und III stammten. Der Anteil der PLRV infizierten Knollen in diesen Herkünften betrug 1,3, 7,8 und 32,6% (Abb. 1A). Der durchschnittliche Ertrag pro Parzelle für Herkunft I, II und III lag bei 12,6 kg, 10,0 kg und 7,6 kg (Abb. 1C); die Differenzen zwischen den Herkünften waren signifikant (P<0,05). Der Unterschied zwischen Herkunft I und II gibt vielleicht die unterschiedlichen Auflaufraten wieder (Abb. 1B), aber die Differenz zwischen den Herkünften II und III scheint eine Folge der Virusinfektion zu sein, und ?hnliche Differenzen wurden beim Vergleich des Ertrages pro Pflanze gefunden (Abb. 1D). Diese Annahme wurde im Versuch B best?tigt, in dem der Ertrag PLRV-infizierter Pflanzen mit dem PLRV-freier Pflanzen verglichen wurde. Die Infektion mit PLRV war nicht mit einer verringerten Auflaufrate oder dem Ertrag an deformierten Knollen verbunden, aber infiziertes Pflanzgut der Sorte Blanka ergab nur 68,7% des Ertrages virusfreien Pflanzgutes, Up-to-Date 79,2% und Désirée 58%; die Verluste waren statistisch signifikant (Abb. 3). Diese Ergebnisse lassen annehmen, dass betr?chliche Ertragsverluste durch die Infektion mit PLRV in den im Herbst gepflanzten Kartoffeln eintreten k?nnen, obwohl die Symptome nicht wahrnehmbar sind. Im Hinblick auf den hohen PLRV-Befall in den Herbstbest?nden (Marco, 1981b), kann es von Vorteil sein die im Frühjahr gepflanzten Best?nde vor einer PLRV-Infektion zu schützen, da sie das Pflanzgut für den Herbst stellen.

Résumé Pendant les deux premiers mois de végétation des pommes de terre cultivées à l'automne en Israel (Ao?t-Janvier), les températures sont très élevées (moyenne maximale de 34,7°C) et la luminosité très forte. Puis les températures et l'intensité lumineuse diminuent rapidement. Sous de telles conditions, la contamination par le virus de l'enroulement est généralement existante mais sans l'apparition de sympt?mes; rien ne permet donc d'indiquer en végétation que le rendement est affecté. Dans une première expérience (A), le rendement est comparé pour trois cultures obtenues à partir de plants de même calibre (variété Désirée), mais de sources différentes (I, II et III). Suivant l'origine I, II et III les pourcentages de la contamination par le virus de l'enroulement est respectivement 1,3, 7,8 et 32,6% (fig. 1A). Le rendement moyen obtenu par parcelle est respectivement 12,6, 10 et 7,6 kg (fig. 1C), la différence entre les trois origines étant significative (P<0,05). L'écart de rendement entre les plants de source I et II s'explique sans doute par le taux de levée différent (fig. 1B); mais entre les plants de source II et III, la différence semble provenir de la contamination par le virus et ceci est également observé pour le rendement par pied (fig. 1D). Cette hypothèse est confirmée par l'expérience B ou le rendement obtenu à partir de plants contaminés est comparé à celui du témoin planté avec des tubercules indemnes de virus. L'incidence de la contamination n'est pas correlée au manque à la levée et au rendement des tubercules difformes. Les plants contaminés ont donné pour les variétés Blanka, Up-to-Date et Désirée respectivement 68,7%, 79,2% et 58% du rendement obtenu à partir de tubercules sains, la diminution de rendement étant significative (fig. 3). Les résultats montrent qu'il peut y avoir des
Background: Fasting is an important preanalytical factor that may affect the interpretation of hematology and clinical biochemistry data in toxicology or pharmacology studies. Limited information is available on how the results may be affected by different durations of fasting. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of fasting duration on clinical pathology results in male and female rats and to determine an optimum fasting time for preclinical studies. Methods: Male and female Wistar rats (10 each per group) were fasted for 0, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 48 hours. Changes in body weight and in the results of routine CBC and clinical chemistry analysis were evaluated by 1‐way ANOVA. Results: Body weight was significantly decreased by 4 hours of fasting in all rats, and hemoglobin concentration was significantly increased at 16 hours in male rats. Serum glucose and triglyceride concentrations in both sexes and cholesterol and high‐density lipoprotein‐C concentrations in female rats were also significantly decreased beginning at 16 hours. The creatinine concentration was increased in females after 16 hours of fasting. Serum alkaline phosphatase and alanine aminotransferase activities were significantly decreased after 8 hours in males and 16 hours in females. Conclusions: Fasting‐induced changes in clinical pathology results were consistent with hemoconcentration and altered nutrition and metabolic function. Most changes occurred at 16 hours, with minimal subsequent changes. Hence, a 16‐hour fasting duration may be recommended for preclinical studies involving clinical pathology measurements.  相似文献   
Bluetongue virus (BTV) is an arthropod-borne virus infecting domestic and wild ruminants. Infection in cattle is commonly asymptomatic and characterised by a long viraemia. Associated with the emergence and the recrudescence of BTV serotype 8 (BTV-8) in Northern and Central Europe, remarkable differences have been noticed in the transmission and in the clinical expression of the disease, with cattle showing clinical illness and reproductive disorders such as abortion, stillbirth and fetal abnormalities. Several investigations have already indicated the putative ability of the European BTV-8 strain to cross the bovine placenta and to cause congenital infections. The current epidemiological and pathological findings present an unusual picture of the disease in affected bovines.  相似文献   
本文对产蛋母鸡发生鸡弧菌性肝炎后所表现出的临床症状及尸体剖检变化和病理组织学变化作了较为详细的观察与研究,为鸡弧菌性肝炎的进一步研究和临床诊断提供一定的理论依据  相似文献   
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